Monday, July 21, 2014

6 Ways To Save Money By Going Green

With the cost of energy use increasing in each household, more people are choosing to increase their savings and reduce their carbon footprint. Not only can going green reduce your spending, but it can also improve the environment through a variety of practices that are available. You can now take control over the cost on energy and products by making a few simple changes that revolutionize your budget.

  1. Switch to CFL Bulbs Incandescent bulbs have been widely used in most households for several decades, but use more energy and produce light differently. They will only work up to 1,200 hours and use 60 watts for a total household energy cost of $328 annually. It also releases 85 btus an hour compared to 30 btus with CFL bulbs. In comparison, CFL bulbs only use 13-15 watts for less greenhouse gas emissions for a product that follow strict performance requirements. Overall, CFL bulbs are known to use 75 percent less energy and last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.

  2. Make Your Own Cleaning Products Although most people rely on store-bought products to clean their household, more are learning the benefits of homemade cleaning products that are less costly. Opt for mopping the floor or cleaning the toilet with a simple mixture that uses baking soda, vinegar, water, and unscented soap. It's a non-toxic solution that is safe on the environment and healthy for family members. Purchase the ingredients in bulk for savings that can amount to hundreds of dollars annually. For added scent, add a drop or two of essential oils into the formula for an incredible new and traditional way of keeping your home clean.

  3. Switch to E Cigarettes For smokers looking for an eco-friendly solution to their habit, e cigarettes are less harmful on the environment and a more affordable way of enjoying the effects of smoking. There is not any poison or tar in the electronic cigarettes, as it only contains nicotine. This allows the e cigarettes to be odorless and without any smoke that is expelled from the product, making it safe for the air and without as much waste produced. Besides the overall eco-friendly benefits, e cigarette refills used are about one-third of the cost of traditional cigarettes. By opting for e cigarettes, it can also work to reduce the cost of health insurance by becoming a non-smoker that uses e cigs.

  4. Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances Energy Star appliances are favored by those who go green due to the reduction in energy use and for the ample savings involved. Homes with Energy Star appliances use up to 50 percent less energy with an average of $110 in savings each year. The appliances work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while also using less water and fossil fuels. For the washers and dryers, more clothing can be washed in a single load for added convenience and less water used. Purchasing energy efficient bulbs is a great way to save money in the long run and help to go green. Replacing outdated appliances may cost more upfront, but the savings accounted for each year can add up to thousands of dollars in the next decade.

  5. Skip the Bottled Water Bottled water that is purified and safe to drink is popular for those on the go for a convenient product that is affordable. Although it may be easy to take when heading out the door, the habit could be costing you hundreds of dollars annually. This adds up to almost 500 bottles used per year for the average consumer, which is clogging up landfills and attributing to 87 percent of the amount dumped. Instead, opt for using a water filtration system for a convenient way of cleaning tap water and reducing the cost of water used in the household. This will ensure that the water consumed is just as clean and safe, while also reducing the waste produced each year.

6. Water Your Lawn Less A lot of people will water their lawn everyday, not only everyday but also during the hottest times of the day. By following that pattern you are telling yourself that you are mowing your lawn but is your lawn getting the best care? If you water your lawn in the early mornings before the sun comes up you are then allowing the water to seep in and not evaporate.  Also, if you choose to water your lawn every other day and do it in the mornings it will stay green and you will have a lower water bill.  The only problem is you are going to need to repair your lawn mower more because you will be using it more.

By: Kyson Crowell

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